王立 周明德 曾勤
摘要 对刚采收下的茶籽,进行不同方法的脱水干燥和低温、超低温(-196 ℃)处理后,用沙播法测定其发芽率。结果表明,在短期内,茶籽即使脱水至2.3%的含水率,仍能保持70%的发芽率。将茶籽干燥至8%~10%含水率,在-196 ℃液氮中贮藏2个月,其发芽率没有变化,表明利用超低温长期保存茶籽有望得到解决。从本试验脱水干燥和冷冻损伤处理结果看,茶籽的贮藏特性应归属于正常型种子。
关键词:茶籽 贮藏特性 超低温保存 脱水干燥
中图分类号:S571.1 S330.3 文献标识码:A
Study on Storage Characters of Tea Seed
Wang Li,Zeng Qin
Tea Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310008
Zhou Mingde
East Asia Office,International Plant Genetic Resource Institute,Beijiang 100081
Abstract The newly plucked tea seeds were treated with various desiccation methods,low temperature and ultra low temperature (-196℃),and then,the germination of the seeds was tested by sand culture method.Results showed that tea seeds had 70% germination rate even when the water content was lowered to 2.3%.No damage was observed to the germination of tea seeds when the water content in tea seeds were lowered to 8%―10% and kept for 2 months under -196℃.According to this investigation,tea seeds should not be classified into the recalcitrant type,as most botanists believed.Tea seeds should be classified as normal type seeds.This result will direct us to further investigate the storage technique of tea seeds.The problem for long-term storage of tea seeds will be solved.
Key words:Tea seed Storage character Ultra low temperature storage Desiccation
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